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انضم لجروبنا على الفيسبوك .. تصل رسائلنا مباشرة

الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010

Technical sales support for a big importing and exporting company

Greeting Everybody:
Required for a wide importing and exporting company in Egypt the following position:
Job title:  Technical sales support
§  BSc in mechanical or Mechatronics engineering
§  Reporting to the sales manager
§  Experience: from (0 to 5) years experience.
§  Day (s) off:  2 days.
Required skills: 
§  Languages: English
§  Computer skills: AutoCAD –
§  Type writing skills: very good
§  Salary: (negotiable)
Duties of the job vacancy in details:
§  Prepares offers and tenders for the company
§  Responds to customers inquiries about any of the products
§  Supports the sales engineers in any more required info or drawings on the AutoCAD.

IF interested kindly send your CV with a recent photo to:
Please write the job title in the E-mail subject (Technical sales support)

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